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Julia provides corporate wellness sleep workshops and presents at events and conferences globally. She is passionate about speaking with parents, students, businesses and health care professionals about how to build a healthy relationship with sleep.


Sachin Deshpandé | Director | Corporate Communications | Sun Life Financial

We had Julia speak at our virtual team meeting with attendees on three different continents. Julia wowed our audience. She talked about the importance of sleep for physical and mental health, especially during these stressful times of the pandemic. She also offered helpful tips on how to get better sleep. Julia is a natural at explaining the science of sleep in simple, easy-to-understand language. She is an engaging speaker and answered a wide range of questions, and we had tons of them. She even offered to answer questions after her presentation. With her scientific expertise and great presentation skills, Julia is bound to win over any audience. We’d have her again in a heartbeat.

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